Sunday, May 11, 2008

Spencer graduated!!!

Hello, all! Here is the long-anticipated update, including new pictures! There have been lots of new landmarks in the past month. Abbey can now sit up on her own, spit raspberries on command, eat LOTS of solid food, grow teeth like there's no tomorrow, ALMOST say "Mama", sleep on her tummy without the swaddler every night, turn on her own crib night light, and she can definitely pose for the camera!

It's been a big month for us! Here is the proof...

Uncle Spencer graduated!! Congratulations!

Abbey and Keanu shopping at North Park

Mommy and Abbey at Spencer's graduation

Daddy and Abbey at graduation

Thanks for the shirt, Uncle Sam-o!

Abbey, Sienna, and Cason

She really sleeps like this! So cute!

Mmmm...look at that puff!

Bath time!

Abbey and Sienna

I don't know what this face means...

Abbey and Sienna again...trying to play together as much as possible before she moves back to Ireland!

Play group at our house, and Chapman doesn't look happy about having his picture taken!